Wednesday, June 6, 2012


There is an Irish saying that ends:  "And may
you be in heaven half an hour before 
the devil knows you're dead."

Our friend Kyle wasn't, he came home a
war hero, but a man who was hit by the
full force of a life changing injury.  Many
would let that become what they were,
our friend took that and has made it into
something he isn't!  He fights for others
to have chances to have goodness in their
lives.  To me that's a hero, and his
cause is the Cub Scouts.  Donate today-
your ten dollars gets you into the dance,
for the prize, and a tee shirt, but it's
worth it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dont' Miss Your Ten Prize Contest

Kyle came back from the war a hero, but he's
a humble hero; Kyle was injured, but he is
going to take care - not only of hisself, but
he's gonna see to it that his local scout troop
gets taken care of as's your
chance to pitch in and help.  It's a contest
and you can win- give your ten dollars to
help a worthy cause...AND...print out
your receipt number- then- just email that
number to - subject:
Ten Prize Receipt - and we'll do the rest,
we really hope you win, but even if you
only get a tee shirt...HEY...your contribution
will help the Boy Scouts in the Springhill
area do so much better...SO...thank you!  -Kyle

Monday, June 4, 2012

Life As...

Do you have a plan for your life-
which you may be thinking, "no,"
who has time to plan?  Or you
may find yourself thinking,
"used to, but it's changed so
many times,"  or you may find you
do have a plan but now you're wondering if
it's been followed, done as it was planned.  If
you have no plan, you are actually living out
a plan, just not one that you put in place, so in
some sense you've just taken your hands off
the wheel and you're saying to some mysterious
force, "I trust you to drive now, rather than me
to plan and steer the trip."  Does that seem to
make sense for you, to get in the car, start it
up and then not touch the steering wheel?

An acquaintance once told me that you have
to put the key in the lock and turn it before
you can open the door.
Not bad thinking,in fact it's going to
some day turn out to be
a writing; but in the meantime, think of how
funny it would look for someone to walk up
to a locked door, not put the key in and turn
it and expect the door to unlock?  That sort
of thinking doesn't make a whole lot of
sense at all, does it?

So as we wrap up this beginning session
with each other, let's think through two items,
one, you do need to plan and stick to your
plan, for your life.  Two you need to put
your hands on the steering wheel and guide
your life just like you guide a car.  Then
when you get ready to open new doors with
unfamiliar keys, you may not find the
experience so - ...well, we'll talk about that
one, next time...