anyone who has ridden in a car, as you look out the
window, the pavement below appears to be flying bye;
let your eyes drift up, things are going a bit slower,
and in the distance, the trees at the edge of the
field, seem to not be moving much at all? You've
probably seen this, but, have you seen it in life?

relationship, and they choose, constantly
to stay there? Ever ask them why, to get
told, "well, what else am I going
to do?" It might make you bit mad,
as you think, "well dad gum, anything
would be better than this?"
Guess what, the Doppler effect, your up close to
the difference, they can't see it, their life isn't
moving that fast, the Doppler effect?

where new representatives were voted in.
Right after that, the Doppler effect took
over, and they, can't see it.
The difference between what we need in leadership
with guts, talent, brains and the ability to study
their way into new and dazzling futures for us;
and what we got- well, let's call it the Doppler
effect- they just can't see it.
Neil Young, ever the easy to understand poet,
put it this way in his song "Hey, hey, my, my
(Into the black)..."it's better to burn out
than fade away." Seems pretty clear
that Neil hit the Doppler effect right
on the head. Leaders, especially, political,
not religious, or corporate, but political,
need a dose of "burn it up- buck-"O"."
Only, where they gonna get it? They seem
scared to bust a move, scared to receive
a little negative flack back? The Doppler
effect, it's gettin' to us all...
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