"HEY- be positive" pitches, don't it?
But it's not- although it could be, that
title could mean, YOU - matter.
See it's all in how you see it, isn't it?
On the other hand, that title could also
be played with a bit to mean,
you - MATTER- as in, there is some
special stuff in the universe and it is
made out of you? Clever though
that may be, close to the truth,
it may also be.
The bigger truths in this
world are coming down

what matters, you matter.
Because as the world becomes much
more of a globe than a flat
fighting plane, and the
battles become much more
global in nature, such
as "will we have enough air,
water, earth? That we will survive?"
You become much more of
a factor in how that all comes out.
So pay close attention to this

Since we know that the U.S.
is one of the most information
based countries, it's important to
understand how developing economies
within that information based system works.
So we have a federal level economic
development program, it branches down
to a state level economic development
program which then branches down
to a regional within the state system,
which then branches down to
a municipality or city level economic
development system. It is a gigantic funnel
that produces more and more creatively
energized business concepts and ideas
to flourish within the information based
business of the U.S.
Why is this so important? You matter, and
in the U.S. we must make the switch from
being a production based, manufacturing
based economy, to a consultive, thought
and information based economy, within
which we will discover enormous amounts
of business opportunities that at present
we don't even see. So now, do you get
why - you matter?
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