So many of
my friends are in the virtual
world and know nothing of the real.
I feel so much like Morpheus talking
been living in a dream world..." Now
let's really class it up and say that
even those who believe they get the
it- and that's where my sadness is
hanging out- check this logic...
I have a friend who is spiritual, meaning
(it seems) that they consider the nature of
things beyond the strictly physical.
They are nice, they are hugely contributing
to peoples lives, and yet, because of an
odd statement that Jesus made in his
ministry, there is a tinge of sadness to
the fact that this person who is indeed
good if ever there was such a thing,
unless they follow the instructions-
they will not have an eternity of peace,
but one filled with horror beyond my
ability to see horror. I cringe at such-
and cringe at the theology which makes
it mandatory to see it. But the truth is
the truth- No man can come to me,
except the Father which hath
sent me draw him: and I will
raise him up at the last day.
What frightens me even more than
this, is the fact that some really believe
that it isn't important to continue to
dwell with this person, but rather,
"just plant the seeds," and they think
that because my heart breaks for such
people, and that my dwelling is to be
with them, in so much as it is possible
to do so; that my actions are not motivated
by a true love of Jesus? That's a little
bit different - isn't it? And it occurred
to me that this type of concerned and
lifestyle evangelism as some have termed
it is rather like this example:
Suppose you met a really nice billionaire-
and they proceeded to change your life, as
that much power and money can do. It
might be fun, huh? So they say to you one
day, "friend, I like you, I really do, and so
what I'm going to do is bless your friends
as I've blessed you. Go get them, bring
them to me, and I'll take it from there."
"Well sure I will, but what shall I actually
say to them?"
"Tell them you have a friend who wants
to get to know them, and the blessings
are going to be amazing."
"Can I tell them your rich?"
"Tell them whatever you want, the
truth is the truth, what can we do about that?"
So what do you do? I go to find my friends-
and begin to share with them what my
billionaire friend has said. At first they
are a bit cynical, doubting that it's for real,
but as one of them gets the blessing of
a million bucks put into their account,
word gets around. How long do you
think it would be before all my friends
had told each other? How many of them
do you think wouldn't get a million?
NOW that's just money-
you can't eat it, you can't build a thing
with it, other than what you purchase to
build with it, obviously, but beyond
that, it is useless except to exchange for
something else- right? (In fact if I hear
folks right about a dollar...if you wereto eat'd catch a sampling of
cocaine?) And Money won't be around
after the fire...the truth says
that everything we know will go...
NOW, that's a little bit scary...but
not if you know Christ...we count
on Him to save us from such...
don't we? Don't you?
So now you get the point I know-
and it's not an easy one to take in-
and there are a lot of angles to the thing-
but do you see where I'm coming from?
My friends matter to me- they are doing
the good things of life for others, they
are giving back- and giving and giving
some more- I've seen it- so yes, it might
seem "trite" but I don't think so, this
"good news" of Jesus is indeed a two
edged sword just like the Romans used.
And indeed - it does cut, both ways.