Point THREE - we got the other two squared away,
we know we're growin' that's obvious- after that Pizza
tonight, I'm growin' and, we know we're making the
positive measures about that. Because if we aren't
sure about those two, catch the previous blog entry
and it will really help you. That's all these blog
entries are about, you'll notice, there isn't a push
here to buy a thing, is there? There is not real
mention of any kind of anything you give other
than just reading, right? And we want to keep it
that way, why(?), because there is a bigger truth
in play here.
Chris Voss tapped into this with me
about six months ago, he called me, just to ask me
about something; can't even remember what it was
now, that's how important it was, but I remember
that call, why(?), because Chris is a big time web
market dude- he really knows his stuff, and he took
his time to treat me like I mattered? You matter-
The worlds greatest motivational speaker...Tony Robbins:
Isn't Tony something? He is not only amazing, and sharing
and - well, a star to the world, Tony changes peoples lives
for the better. So today we went over point three...
do you feel like Tony is positive, and real?
with the marks on it?
Where last year you were "this tall!"
Then this year you grew "this
many more inches," until
you could get on those rides
at Disney World
or Six Flags? Those were
small measuresfor a big life,
your life, a big life.
Is that how you see it; a big life?
Maybe you don't
realize how big
your life actually is,
because your
measure is really not doing you
any favors? See that door frame measure
was really cool, for several reasons,
silly as itmight sound, it actually made
me want to get taller? Ever hear that
you have to have a "want to," in
order to grow?
SO FIRST NOTE: Measure to grow.
The difference between measuring to grow and
measuring that won't let you grow is all in
how the measure is done. Let's read that
sentence one more time- go ahead, run your
eyes back over it. Did you do that? Now
if you did, see how important that is, if
you didn't, ask yourself, what is it in you
that makes you not want to follow requests?
Because, that's an important question if
you think about measuring what you do? We
want to measure to grow, not measure so that
we can't grow, and the difference is what?
SO SECOND NOTE: measure positively to succeed.
Maybe this lead came in from Chris Voss,
which seems likely, as Chris is always
pointing out the latest and greatest of
stuff, including leaders, but anyway-
this lead was Louis Green. Now Louis
is something to take in, he is all sort
of powerful, in all sort of different
ways, but one thing about his blog; Louis
Green don't play. It might have been Mari Smith, because she is precious to
bring in tons of great info off of the Michael Seltzner blog on social media, so
she might've mentioned Louis, but my
suspicion is that it was most likely
Chris "bayyyybeeee" who managed it.
Louis is exceptional, if you want
info and great info and tons of it,
his blog is impossible to beat, and
he tackles the tough issues of how to
do business head on. For example,
this week he headlined a time
management guru Peggy Duncan, and it
was just outstanding so don't pass up
this one.
Folks we're gonna continue this for sure
because we have about five more ways
that you can grow FASTER, like this, but
for now, let's just follow up with each
other and try to start using that YouTube
where visual becomes ever more real,
wouldn't you say?
Want 200 million dollars, well heck yes, who wouldn't? Only, you have
to jump through 200 million dollars worth of hoops to get it, but, if you
are the one who has the idea, you know it in your soul, get after it.
In trying to put together a presentation for Monday afternoon
doing some research on social media ports and methods, saw this
article about a "New Twitter," platform. That was interesting, Twitter
is one of my favorite places to catch hold of new ideas, so went to Wired to check it out. While there saw the pop up about GE and
the 200 million dollar contest/grant they are offering. Nice stuff to
know, but only people who go to that website, or read this, or find
it out by some other means will even know about it. So the question
then becomes, why'd GE choose to advertise it this way, in Wired
The baby crawled across
the floor, he struggled, he
"Walking was a challenge...now look what I've found!"
wanted to gather himself
up on the stool, with
shaky legs,he got there,
he struggled up!
But getting up there, he clung
to the edge of the stool, he
tottered, and then he did
what we all know about,
he fell back down.
He looked a little sad,
no more big smile because he'd
made it, no, now he had a little
scowl in his face; he'd let
go and fallen and he wasn't happy.
But people around him said, "oh look,
isn't he cute, look he's trying
to get up." Have you heard or
seen things like this?
At eight months old, this is
normal, and we accept it,
at 30 years old, we'd consider
the behavior horrific, especially
if there were no physical abnormalities
to account for the falling down
and crying? We'd think an adult
who fell on the floor and cried
all the time, was horrible, wouldn't
we? Of course we would, because
we know in our hearts how to grow!
Often what we forget as we get cautious with age,
that we fell hundreds, if not, thousands of times,
before we actually turned loose and started walking.
When people talk about immersion as a learning way,
we hear it, you can't really understand wet until
you get in the pool, so true, just looking at the
water doesn't change your skin condition, but
when you get into that pool, what you knew
was wet, is now, your condition. But as you
gain experience, you sometimes gain caution,
as well, and with that, a certain drawing back
from making, mistakes. When the child let's
go of the stool, it's a mistake, his legs aren't
ready yet, his balance isn't ready yet, his
ability to reason about all the difficulties
of standing up, haven't set in place yet,
and he hasn't planned out what he'll do
if he does stand up; he just lets go, and
then he is in it, welcome to learning, and
welcome to making mistakes.
Imagine if a hero of the proportions of Jon
Huntsman (Recipient of the Medal for Charity
at the "Restoring America Rally" 2010, Wash-
ington D.C.)failed to get up, failed to walk,
failed to learn, failed to grow, imagine if
he'd simply laid down and cried at the hard
nature of making mistakes?
Are you capable of becoming more from anywhere
you are at, to anywhere you desire to be? Yes
is the answer, well, how can you tell that, because
the infant gets up! You've been there, you've done
it before- go back to the basic power lesson of
all life, and walk forward! Because you can!
But as we go bigger and as we go to the real
marrow of this issue- we have to grow, we have to!
We are not without hope, and we will never be without hope,
and no matter what, we will keep on making mistakes, hey,
join with us who make mistakes! The mistake makers!
Celebrate growth because it only comes how(?), out of the
mistakes, out of the failures, out of the falling downs,
you see, you don't know what get up means, until you
have fallen down, and every person walking around today
has shared that experience- get up, be a mistake maker
with us!
The illusion of speed within the interactions on the web
is a fascinating buy and sell model. How quickly does
your purchase become effective, and, as you realize
without a whole lot of thought, if you buy a download
like music, or an e-based book, it's nearly instant. If
you purchase something to be delivered to your home
it is within a short amount of time, and you can also
get that to within a business day, if you are willing
to pay. But it is an illusion of interaction and some
of you who read this, actually believe, as I did when
I first read about that from EM Griffin's work, that
I understood it, you believe you understand it, well
perhaps you do, perhaps we do, give this a listen
and then perhaps you'd be kind enough to let us
know what you think?
Many of you who are going to be reading
my stuff soon, are going to right away
become frustrated with how I go "all up
around Robin's Red Barn," to make a point-
it's my writing style. Look I want you
to stay with my writing, not because that
helps me; I'm 54 and headed out the door-
helping me is a done game- you on the
other hand, may be someone who can
look at these crazy ideas that come my
way (Oh oh, LOA...) and take them and
run with them? Just please don't let
my out of the box, and barn, and state and country
and planet and universe - to say that I'm a bit unorthodox
in my writing- throw you, O.K.? What you may
find built into what you read are simply subliminal
marketing meanings which will actually take root
as ideas and burst forth from you. So keep with
the reading- and listening- because we will generate
some mess that will work itself out in your life
as an amazing amount of success- can promise you
that, have seen LOA do it to me- not the other way round.
That being said, here's a little video to back it up...
Now while your still relatively fresh, let me ask you one other question- do you think we have a point here about things being different in rural country living and social media, than in the city?
Yes it's a long title to a chapter- they all are-
that's because they are acronyms to help
the reader remember the process,
this is a process book, but this is important
to you, and here is why, every day someone
that we don't want to do it, commits suicide.
Suicide has been on the rise,
not the other way around; and,
one of the primary reasons that
people decide to end life is, they
actually have stopped living- at least,
living as you and I might define living.
Now there are other reasons for this sad
conclusion to life, this isn't a discussion
about euthanasia, we're not going there,
and this isn't to decry laws about this or that,
the suicide rate is pointed out to you
merely to say, life is too precious to let it
conclude on a note like that, wouldn't you agree?
So before we go much into detail about what
a chapter about enjoying yourself having
other leaning experiences might be about-
don't we first need to really consider, are
you? Enjoying yourself, not in the silly,
narcissistic sense that someone might twist those
words to point to, but in the deep, being alone
but not lonely sense of that?
Many years ago a friend asked me
if I liked being with myself?
I laughed, "of course I do," what was I
supposed to say? What would you say? She
went right to the crux of the point, however,
by asking me, "well if you like being by
yourself, then why are you seldom that way?"
The point stopped me for a moment, and
she continued, which is what this video is
about, let me know what you think of it?
Three levels of truth about your life, and your business- so that as your business goes, so goes many other things as well, wouldn't you say? So that the person who says, "I'm as successful as I want to be, I'm going to take it easy for a while." They are in the _________ category- how would you fill that one in? Now the person who says, "if I get one more irate phone call, I'm gonna scream." They are in the __________ category, how would you fill that in. "Well, geez, Dana," you might quip; "didn't know I was gonna get to take a test today..." It's just about over, one more to go and then we can see how we did...ready? The person who says, "If this idea has worked so well this last year, it's probably time to begin to think about something else, of course, I don't know what we'll do with the company as it is, but that's their problem, since I'm gonna sell it to them." _________ What category would you say that is, good, bad or ugly? And now, you'd like some answers wouldn't you? Hmm, email me - let's chat about that. Meanwhile, as you're thinking about it, enjoy this sort of funny video...
John Eldredge writes some inspirational type books having to do with the way we approach life. I remember this book because in it he challenged some long held sayings in the church where I attend about the heart. I'd always heard it was wicked and that we couldn't trust our emotions, well, John challenged that presumption with this book, in a way that made me realize that what we as people have is precious, and that is our ability to work with and get along with each other; it's how our lives and
the lives of others get better.
What happens then to our lives that
we stop being loving and caring? My
friend says that we go through a lot
of stuff that doesn't work out good, and
we aren't happy about how things work
out, and we can't always control how
they work out. What I've been taught
of late is that we might not be able
to control circumstances, but we can
choose to be in charge of how we feel
about those circumstances? This is
what Eldredge is such a master at
But the zest for life, that must come from
yet another source. I remember the smile
in the eyes of my wife as we first met,
the joy of our first date, the great joy of
our first kiss, and where we were, that
glint in her eye was joy, it is a prime
component in zest.
When we climbed mountain to have
a lunch like no other in the little
villa at the top of the peak, the view
like no other. Riding to the top of
Pike's peak, eating one of those
doughnuts. The quiet in the room
after our daughter was born, the
challenge that would lay ahead,
all, unprepared for; how do you
prepare to climb to the top of a
mountain for lunch, or, know your
going to enjoy a mile higher doughnut,
or be quiet after a child's birth?
But in those moments is also a
great component of zest.
I remember the art gallery kept open
by contributions and grants, how the
beauty and magnificence of the old
pieces there are so different from the
modern made to commercial stuff.
The tour of the gardens, botanical
gardens they are called, and how the
plants and heat all seem to add something
to the experience, something that you
can't quite put your finger on, but you
know it's not what you normally do?
What you normally feel? Something
in that moment is a component of
the zest for life.
We have parts of our lives that make
up a life that has zest in it, I never
make the same spaghetti twice, my family
can tell you, spaghetti in our home, when
dad makes it, is an event, because we
all hope I'll get the ingredients right; and
"this spaghetti," is always the best, better
than the last, and tastes, better, richer,
somehow? Now you and I know good
and well, that can't be, it's just tomatoe
sauce, and other spices, but it's the family
being there, and the history of the making
of something so simple, but if you take
one of the components out of that, it
won't be the same spaghetti, and I
guaranty you, it won't be as good.
WOW - talk about a quote: "invest in your education because you can take away my home, my food, but you can never take away what I have in my head." - Jack Canfield - best selling author - Steve Harrison interview - April 22, 2010.
Are there any Marvel Comics fans out there? Remember "It's Kawabunga time!"
Its book time- time to get it out - and here is the place...we are now fourteen days from launch on this e-book. For those of you, many, who have clicked on the link "keyhole success" and made that link number one in the Google search engine, off the name alone, thank you - the book is ready to roll. Thank you for being with us during the build up process. So as a result you might suspect, "Dana, that ol crafty drd4u.com guy is getting ready to say something tricky here..." See you're getting to know my style...here is the crafty statement - you are part of this process and so, we want to pass on to you the book as a first offering - numbered and signed. As your yawning on that, ask yourself this...what do you suppose the first "Chicken Soup For The Soul," book signed by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, what do you suppose that would be worth?
"C'mon doc, you ain Jack or Mark," so true- but you are part of the process - and you know, if you get your friends on board, because you like the way the acronym process works into your life, who knows? So this is going to be offered to you at a discount for the whole book, also, we will have chapter one available for free - to you- as you subscribe to the process- and that subscription is free. In fact I really relish feedback - merciless opinions are so welcome!
Yes it's true - the copyright came through two days back, so the "keyhole success," book is now copyrighted - which is, sort of exciting, but just one step of many to getting the work out to you. "Well what's the hold up?" That's a fantastic question and I'm glad you asked, it gives me a chance to share with you that the hold up has been excellence- the book has been written for quite a while now, but my hesitation on putting it out has to do with the methods for acquiring the work for you, we want a seamless system for you to download the book, and also, excellence in the content, my sense is, if we release this information worth a lot, for a little, 6.95, but really my goal is to have that be easily worth 17.95 purchasing power...so that you will feel for certain the content is better, the linkage is fantastic and the entire process is one where you feel the power of ease of use and grandeur of material. What do you think, is this cool or a mistake?